Tokyo Toshokan
東京 図書館
#tokyotosho @
A BitTorrent Library for Japanese Media
Torrent Details
- Torrent Type:
- Hentai (Games)
- Torrent Number:
- 1045970
- Torrent Name:
- The Deadend of Supeheroine Ciska
- Date Submitted:
- 2016-12-05 16:20 UTC
- Filesize:
- 251.68MB
- Website:
- Comment:
- N/A
- Tracker:
- BT Info Hash (SHA):
- Magnet Link 04b55164246c92b91f2fd958648b12e6fa371fe6
- Seeders:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Leechers:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Completed:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Submitter Hash:
- 46F7F553 2E1F64DF B854B619 31BAB2F2 0CBD71F5
- Submitter
- javKing Search for all submissions
- Authorized
- Anonymous
- Report Entry
- Report Entry
File Listing (120 files)
00はじめにお読みください .txt | 4.08KB |
Audio\BGM\15 .なにかを発見(コミカルでとぼけた雰囲気) .wav | 8.46MB |
Audio\BGM\1 _battle _DL1(rengoku) .mp3 | 1.97MB |
Audio\BGM\1 _battle _DL2(rengoku) .mp3 | 2.52MB |
Audio\BGM\1 _battle _DL3(rengoku) .mp3 | 1.77MB |
Audio\BGM\Battle(maou) .ogg | 1.55MB |
Audio\BGM\DARK _chimamire(rengoku) .mp3 | 1.45MB |
Audio\BGM\DARK _jyunigo .mp3 | 2.33MB |
Audio\BGM\G(maou) .mp3 | 2.1MB |
Audio\BGM\G2(maou) .mp3 | 2.32MB |
Audio\BGM\S7 _victory(renngoku) .mp3 | 2.9MB |
Audio\BGM\Town16(maou) .ogg | 1.48MB |
Audio\BGM\event12(maou) .mp3 | 648.16KB |
Audio\BGM\event13(maou) .mp3 | 647.75KB |
Audio\BGM\event15(maou) .mp3 | 363.26KB |
Audio\BGM\event30(maou) .mp3 | 716.73KB |
Audio\BGM\fantasy04(maou) .mp3 | 2.39MB |
Audio\BGM\game _maoudamashii _7 _event12 .ogg | 820.66KB |
Audio\BGM\game _maoudamashii _7 _event13 .ogg | 879KB |
Audio\BGM\game _maoudamashii _7 _event16 .ogg | 1.42MB |
Over 20 files, click here to show full list. |