Tokyo Toshokan

東京 図書館

#tokyotosho @

A BitTorrent Library for Japanese Media

Torrent Details

File Listing (9 files)

1 . Bleach The Best\Bleach The Best 1 (OP 1-5, ED 1-8) [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv305.53MB
1 . Bleach The Best\Bleach The Best 2 (squad endings + Ending 5 V2 [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv164.54MB
2 . Bleach Best Tunes\Bleach Best Tunes 1 (OP 5-7, ED 9-14) [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv182.27MB
2 . Bleach Best Tunes\Bleach Best Tunes 2 (OP 8, ED 15-16) [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv58.95MB
3 . Bleach Berry Best\Bleach Berry Best (Openings 9-12, Endings 17-24)[480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv434.73MB
4 . Bleach Best Trax\1 . Bleach Best Trax (OP 13-15, ED 25-30) [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv188.52MB
4 . Bleach Best Trax\2 . 10th Anniversary Endings [480p Hi10p AAC DVD][kuchikirukia] .mkv16.5MB
4 . Bleach Best Trax\don't need to click (will play from part 1) .mkv94.32MB
4 . Bleach Best Trax\don't need to click (will play from part 2) .mkv265.08MB