Tokyo Toshokan
東京 図書館
#tokyotosho @
A BitTorrent Library for Japanese Media
Torrent Details
- Torrent Type:
- Anime
- Torrent Number:
- 633039
- Torrent Name:
- The Life Of Budori Guskou .mp4
- Date Submitted:
- 2013-03-12 20:45 UTC
- Filesize:
- 1.85GB
- Website:
- N/A
- Comment:
- The Life of Budori Guskou (2012 version). 720p, hardsubbed because it was easier. Cats farming silkworms, cats farming rice, cats investigating volcanos - this film has it all.
- Tracker:
- BT Info Hash (SHA):
- Magnet Link c1778bbe28d4125589b29fb9e466548b4ec129f5
- Seeders:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Leechers:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Completed:
- /scrape timed out (5s) or refused
- Submitter Hash:
- 208408D1 CE74DF4F FA2596C3 9E5EFBB1 7EC21803
- Submitter
- Anonymous Search for all submissions
- Authorized
- Anonymous
- Report Entry
- Report Entry